企業名稱(英文):GreenTech Electric Manufacture Co.,Ltd.
地址: 廣西南寧市隆安華僑管理區金迪工業園
地址(英文)GreenTech Industrial Garden,Overseas Chinese Administration District,Longan,Nanning,Guangxi,China
展示內容/項目信息:廣西金迪俊琪電氣制造有限公司創建于2008年,公司位于廣西南寧市隆安華僑管理區,G80廣昆高速公路那桐出口2公里處,占地面積6.67萬平方米,總建筑面積約4.9萬平方米。 金迪致力于電動汽車驅動系統、電機控制系統及高性能動力電池的研發及生產,先后與中山大學、中國科技大學等高校進行技術合作,在電動汽車驅動系統、控制系統及電池管理系統的技術上取得較大進展,現已研發出多款電動三輪代步車、微型電動轎車、增程式電動轎車等。 金迪微型電動轎車設計時尚新穎,體積小,重量輕,全部采用歐洲EEC法規設計生產,通過歐洲碰撞測試并取得相關認證,安全性能有保障。
展示內容/項目信息(英文):GreenTech was founded in 2008 in southern China, it covers an area of 67000 square meter and has total construction area of 49000 square meter. GreenTech is committed to electric vehicle drive systems, motor control systems and high-performance battery management systems development and production. GreenTech’s R&D team is including designers and engineers from the UK, France, Germany and Switzerland. GreenTech has been establishing relationship with Sun Yat-sen University and China University of Science and Technology for technical cooperation in the electric vehicle drive systems, control systems and battery management system technologies which has made great progress and has already developed some new models of electric trike and mini electric car. GreenTech offers new models of E-trke, mini EV and also provide EV design, whole set of EV parts including motor,controller, BMS and body with interior parts. GreenTech can help customers with turnkey solutions for setting up a new EV production facility. Contact us today for more information.