Lopez, Eric Senior Lecturer Political Science elopez**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Loredo, Grace Clinical Assistant Professor College of Pharmacy gloredo**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Lowe, Timothy Lecturer Health & Kinesiology IDC I tlowe**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
Lowe, Anita Clinical Instructor Nursing/Longview Campus alowe**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 663-***
Lowery, Cynthia Assistant Director of Student Accessibility and Resources Student Services;Student Accessibility clowery**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Lucas, Elizabeth Student Financial Aid Officer Financial Aid ELucas**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
Lumpkin, James Dean College of Business and Technology jlumpkin**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Lundberg-Love, Paula Professor Psychology and Counseling PLove**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Lusk, Marcie Assistant Professor Nursing MLusk**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
Lusk, Natalie Communications Operator University Police nboggs**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Lutes, Karen Senior Administrative Associate Information Technology klutes**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
(903) 565-***
(903) 730-***
Mabry, Rodney Director of Hibbs Institute President's Office rmabry**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Mackenzie, Brian Educational Technology Support Specialist Office of Digital Learning BMackenzie**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
(903) 730-***
Magnusen, Kaia Assistant Professor Art and Art History KMagnusen**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Mahfood, Peggye Administrative Assistant II HRD and Technology pmahfood**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Marcano, Michael Police Officer University Police mmarcano**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Marlow, Michael Student Development Specialist I Student Affairs mmarlow**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
Marmion, Shelly Professor Psychology and Counseling smarmion**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Marquis, Kris Director of Student Business Services Student Business Services kmarquis**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Marrs, Kara Clinical Instructor Nursing -
(903) 565-***
Martin, Pam Professor Nursing pmartin**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Martin, Michael Senior Computer Equipment Maintenance Technician Campus Computing Services mmartin**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
(903) 663-***
Marzilli, Colleen Associate Professor Nursing cmarzilli**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Marzilli, Scott Professor Health & Kinesiology SMarzilli**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Mashe, Kristopher Assistant Volleyball Coach Athletics kmashe**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
Mashe, Lyndsay Head Women's Volleyball Coach Athletics lmashe**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
Mason, Rachel Assoc Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry rmason**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
Massey, JJ Lecturer in Management Management and Marketing jmassey**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Mastel-Smith, Beth Associate Professor Nursing BMastel-Smith**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Matthews, Alix Laboratory Technician Biology AMatthews**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Matthews, Marsha Assistant Professor of Journalism Communication MMatthews**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Matzke, Brenda Grant Investigator Nursing BMatzke**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
(903) 617-***
Mayrant Quackenbush, Renee Administrative Assistant II Civil Engineering RQuackenbush**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Mbewe, James Web Developer Marketing and Communications jmbewe**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
McAlister, Barbara Associate Professor Nursing BMcalister**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
McBain, Jeremy Assistant Professor Music jmcbain**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
McClenny, Bill Support Services Analyst Campus Computing Services BMcClenny**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
McClurg, Nandini International Advisor/J Visa Specialist Office of International Programs nmcclurg**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
(903) 730-***
McDaniel, Kevin Graduate Admissions Representative Graduate Admissions kmcdaniel**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
McDermott, Walter Utilities Station Operator I Physical Plant WMcdermott**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
(903) 727-***
McDonald, Danielle Financial Reporting Manager Budget and Financial Reporting DanielleMcDonald**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
McElyea, Rebecca Lecturer Political Science rjackson**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
McFarlin, Michael HVAC Technician Physical Plant MMcfarlin**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
McGill, Rick Associate Director of
(903) 566-***
McGinnis, Michael Interim Dean,
(903) 565-***
(903) 663-***
McInnis, Mary Clinical Assistant Professor NURSING mmcinnis**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
McLendon, Peggy Other Affiliated Affiliate Financial Aid pmclendon**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
McMullen, Laura Administrative Assistant III Student Business Services LMcMullen**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
McMunn, Michael Head Men's Golf Coach Athletics MMcMunn**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
McNichols, Christine Assistant Professor Psychology and Counseling cmcnichols**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
McQuigg, Christina Collections Clerk Student Business Services ChristinaMcquigg**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
McQuigg, Jason Manager of Programming Services Information Technology jmcquigg**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Mcswain, Jonathan Educational Video Production and Graphics Specialist Academic Transformation jmcswain**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
McWhorter, Rochell Associate Professor of HRD HRD and Technology RMcWhorter**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Meadows, Brandy Lecturer in Management Management and Marketing bmeadows**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Medders, Mike Chief,
(903) 566-***
Mekalip, Greg Director of Project Management and Training Information Technology gmekalip**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Menkina-Snider, Natalia Lecturer Literature and Languages nmenkina**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Merritt, Thayer Information Technology Coordinator II College of Pharmacy tmerritt**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
Meyer, Lauralee Director of Academic Support Academic Success lmeyer**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
Meza, Fara Lecturer Mathematics fmeza**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
(903) 566-***
Miles, Janice Clinical Instructor Nursing JMiles**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
Miller, Jessica Graduate Recruiting Supervisor Graduate Admissions jessicamiller**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
Miller, Mark Chair and Professor of Industrial Technology HRD and Technology MMiller**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Miller, Gary Assistant Professor School of Education gmiller**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
Millett, Michael Academic Advisor II, Lecturer Freshman Seminar,
(903) 566-***
Mills, James Scientific Instrument Maker II College of Engineering & Computer Science jamills**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
Minix, Wendy Hub Cord Financial Services wminix**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
(903) 727-***
Miqdadi, Zafer Lecturer Civil Engineering zmiqdadi**[ta]**yler.edu (713) 718-***
Mirano, Manny Utilities Station Operator II Physical Plant mmirano**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
Mirmiran, Amir Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Academic Affairs amirmiran**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
(903) 663-***
Mitchell, Shane Network Analyst Information Technology smitchell**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Moate, Randall Assistant Professor Psychology and Counseling rmoate**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
Mogle, Melanie Administrative Associate Cowan Center MMogle**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Mokhtari, Kouider Anderson-Vukelja-Wright Endowed Chair School of Education kmokhtari**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
(903) 566-***
(903) 566-***
Moore, April Art Director and Senior Designer Marketing and Communications amoore**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Moore, Theresa Administrative Assistant II Nursing TheresaMoore**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
(903) 566-***
Morale, Sonja Registrar Registrar's Office SMorale**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
Morales, Olimpia Sergeant, Campus Security University Police omorales**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
(903) 727-***
Morgan, Margaret International Advisor II Office of International Programs mmorgan**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
Morris, Melinda Grant Coordinator Nursing mmorris**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Morrow, Pam Data Analyst and Processing Coordinator Enrollment Management;Admissions PMorrow**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Murphy, Scott Project Coordinator Physical Plant rmurphy**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
(903) 730-***
(903) 565-***
(903) 617-***
(903) 566-***