Regional & Local Media
Find an SBA spokesperson in your area.
If you’re a member of the media and want to talk to a SBA spokesperson in your area, use this resource. The geographic listing will help you identify the region in order to find the most appropriate contact.
Use the links below to Jump to specific Regional sections.
Region IRegion IIRegion IIIRegion IVRegion VRegion VIRegion VIIRegion VIIIRegion IXRegion X
Region I
Regional Communications Director Ms. Elizabeth Moisuk
Phone: : (617) 565-***
Fax: (202) 481-***
E-Mail: elizabeth.moisuk**[ta]**.gov
Public Information Officers
Ms. Moraima Gutierrez
Connecticut District Office
Phone: (860) 240-***
Fax: 202-481-***
E-Mail: Moraima.gutierrez**[ta]**.gov
Mr. Keith Lind
Maine District Office
Edmund S. Muskie Federal Bldg.
Phone: (207) 622-***
Fax: (202) 481-***
E-Mail: keith.lind**[ta]**.gov
Mr. Norman Eng
Massachusetts District Office
Norman Eng
Phone: 617-565-8***
Email: norman.eng**[ta]**.gov
Mr. Hugh A. Curley
New Hampshire District Office
55 Pleasant
Phone: 603-225-***
Fax: 603-225-***
E-Mail: hugh.curley**[ta]**.gov
Mr. Ryan Brissette
Rhode Island District Office
Phone:(401) 528-***
Fax: (202) 292-***
E-Mail: ryan.brissette**[ta]**.gov
Mr. Danny Monahan
Vermont District Office
Phone: (802) 828-4422 Ext.***
Fax: (802) 828-***
E-Mail: daniel.monahan**[ta]**.gov
Region II
Regional Communications Director Vacant
New York District Office
26 Federal Plaza,
Phone: (212) 264-***
Fax: (202) 481-***
Public Information Officers
Kelly LoTempio
Buffalo District Office
Phone: (716) 551-4301 Fax: (716) 551-***
E-Mail: Kelly.lotempio**[ta]**.gov
Mr. Harry Menta
New Jersey District Office
Phone: (973) 645-***
Fax: (973) 645-***
E-Mail: harry.menta**[ta]**.gov
Mr. Bailey Wolff
New York District Office
26 Federal Plaza,
Phone: (212) 264-***
Fax: (202) 481-***
E-Mail: bailey.wolff**[ta]**.gov
Puerto Rico & U.S.
Ms. Angelique Adjutant
Phone: (787) 766-5570 ext.***
Fax: (787) 766-***
E-Mail: Angelique.adjutant**[ta]**.gov
Eastern Upstate
Ms. Rachael Stanton
Syracuse District
Phone: (315) 471-9393, ext.***
Fax: (315) 471-***
E-Mail: Rachael.stanton**[ta]**.gov
Region III
Regional Communications Director Mr. Chris Hatch
SBA Regional Office
Phone: (610) 382-***
Fax: (202)481-***
E-Mail: Christopher.Hatch**[ta]**.gov
Public Information Officers
Ms. Rachel Howard
Baltimore District Office
Phone: (410) 244-***
Fax: (443) 848-***
E-Mail: rachel.howard**[ta]**.gov
Ms. Jennifer Pilcher
Delaware District Office
Phone: (302) 573-6294 ***
Fax: (202) 481-***
E-Mail: Jennifer.Pilcher**[ta]**.gov