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Complaint Coordinator, Vacant

Marshia Cordray, OEI Coordinator, DET-DO, (313) 393-8170, FAX 313-393-8139

Nicholas Lyons, Director Compliance Branch, CHI-DO, (312) 596-4220, FAX 312-594-4195

Mennie Eldridge, Recall Coordinator, CHI-DO, (312) 596-4239,

Division 4

Steven Porter, Division Director, LOS-DO, (949) 608-4448, FAX 949-608-4417

Maxyne T Lam, State Liaison, CNP2-RP, (818) 226-1858; FAX 818-226-1864

Herminio C Francisco, Emergency Response Coordinator, LOS-DO, (949) 608-3575

Marlene Garcia Swider, Quality Systems Manager, LOS-DO, (949) 608-4443, FAX 949-608-4417

Monica Maxwell, Director Investigation Branch, LOS-DO, (949) 608-4454, FAX 949-608-4474

Nalini D Lebzelter, SCSO, DEN-DO, (303) 236-3008, FAX 801-524-3188

Katherine E Jacobitz, SCSO, San Diego-RP, (619) 941-3770, FAX 619-941-3776

Richmond K Yip, SCSO, LOS-DO, (949) 608-3556, FAX 949-608-2912

SCSO, Vacant

SCSO, Vacant

Lynnette Terry, OEI Coordinator, LOS-DO, (949) 608-3495, FAX 949-608-3567

Frank Lee, Complaint Coordinator, LOS-DO, (949) 608-2953, FAX 949-608-4498

Thomas Berry, Director Compliance Branch, DEN-DO, (303) 236-3028, FAX 303-236-3551

Recall Coordinator, Vacant

Office of Enforcement and Import Operations, (OEIO)

Douglas Stearn, Program Director, WO32, Rm 4362, (301) 796-3668, FAX (301) 827-3670

Armando Zamora, Deputy Program Director, ELEM Rm 4038, (301) 796-5723, FAX (301) 796-3668

Carol Fedorchak, Special Assistant, ELEM Rm 4034, (240) 402-2545, FAX (301) 827-3870

Joy Sharp, Regulatory Advisor, ELEM Rm 4214, (301) 796-3647

Alyson Cowels, Quality Systems Manager, ELEM Rm 4106, (301) 796-3250

Tammy Burkey, (Acting) Special Assistant, Boise, Idaho, (619) 941-3711

Lawrence Harmon, Emergency Response Coordinator, ELEM Rm 4030, (301) 796-3510

Chris Anders, Program Analyst, ELEM Rm 4028, (301) 796-5109

Kim Cooper, Training Officer, DAL-DO (214) 253-4932

Division of Enforcement (DE)

Scott MacIntire, Division Director, WO32, Rm 4360, (301) 796-8203, FAX (301) 847-8635

Sharon McCoy, Deputy Division Director, WO32, Rm 4346, (301) 796-8206, FAX (301) 847-8635

Branch Chief, Recall Operations, Vacant

Branch Chief, Health Operations, Vacant

Kenny Shade, Debarment Specialist, ELEM Rm 4144, (301) 796-4640, FAX (301) 827-3670

Cecilia Wolyniak, Team Lead Recall Team WO32, Rm 4352, (301) 796-8209, FAX (301) 847-8635

Jason Humbert (Acting) Team Lead Health Fraud Team, ELEM RM 4041, (301) 796-4670

Division of Food Defense Targeting (DFDT)

Angel Suarez, Division Director, (866)-521-2297, FAX (571) 468-1936

Deputy Division Director, Vacant

Greta Budweg, Watch Commander

Desmond Brown, Watch Commander

Nabil Anis, Watch Commander

Division of Import Operations Management (DIOM)

Division Director, Vacant

Elvia Cervantes, Branch Chief, Maintence Branch, DAL-DO (240) 485-8267,

Melissa D. Gonzalez, Supervisor, Pharr, Texas, (240) 402-4288

Branch Chief, Compliance Branch, Vacant

Sarah McMullen, Supervisor, Atlanta, Georgia, (404) 253-2360, FAX (404) 253-1208

Thomas Zebovitz, Supervisor, ELEM Rm 3100, (240) 402-1244, FAX (301) 827-4086

Division of Import Program Development (DIPD)

John Verbeten, Division Director, ELEM Rm 3108, (301) 796-6677, FAX (301) 827-4086

Ted Poplawski, Special Assistant, ELEM Rm 3106, FAX (301) 827-4086

Branch Chief, Program Development Branch, Vacant

Andrew Seaborn, Supervisor, WO32, Rm 4369, (301) 796-8970, FAX (301) 847-8635

Branch Chief, Import Technical Branch, Vacant

Alison Nicoli, Supervisor, Minneapolis, Minnesota, (240) 402-2850, FAX (612)-334-4131

Division of Southwest Imports (DSWI)

Todd Cato, Division Director, (214) 253-5284

Stacy Below, Director Investigation Branch (214) 253-5324

Mary Reed, Branch Operations Coordinator (713) 293-1434

Alex Lopez, Director Compliance Branch (956) 721-2431

LCDR April Hill, Emergency Response Coordinator, (214) 253-4943

Deidre Garrett, SCSO (214) 253-5232

Jeanine Olivias, Quality Systems Manager, (214) 253-5323

Division of Southeast Imports (DSEI)

Ruth P. Dixon, Division Director, HFR-400, (615) 366-7803; FAX (615) 366-7805

Facundo I. Bernal, Director, Import Operations Branch, HFR-SE2575, (305) 816-1433

Christopher Boulmay, Director, Import Operations Branch, HRF-SE3550, (901)333-3528

Tammara P. Threats, Director, Compliance Branch, HFR-SE3550, (901)333-3534

Cheryl Watson, CSO, Quality Program Specialist (615) 366-7814

Division of Northeast Imports (DNEI)

Division Director, Vacant

Anna Alexander, Director Compliance Branch, HFR-NE140, 718-662-5683, FAX 718-662-5665

LT Christie Menna, Special Assistant to the Director, Compliance Branch, HFR-NE 140 718-662-5443 718-662-566

Dawne Hines, Director, Investigations Branch, HFR-NE152, 718-662-5461, FAX 718-662-5662

Division of Northern Border Imports (DNBI)

Vacant, Division Director

Sandra K. Sylvester, DIB (East), (716) 846-6221

Michael W. Burd, Special Assistant to DIB, (716) 846-6234

Director Investigations Branch (WEST), Vacant

Director Compliance Branch, Vacant

Emergency Response Coordinator, Vacant

Division of West Coast Imports (DWCI)

Division Director, Vacant

Dan Solis, DIB (562) 256-9202

Larry Howell, DDIB (562) 256-9203

Lawton Lum, DCB (510) 337-6792

Emergency Response Coordinator, Vacant

Steven Condrey, QMS, (562) 256-9294

Office of Regulatory Science (ORS)

Paul Norris, Director, Bldg. 50, Room 404 Jefferson, 3900 NCTR Road, Jefferson, AR 72079, (870) 543-4099

Sean W. Linder, Senior Science Advisor, Bldg. 50, Rm 405, 3900 NCTR Road, Jefferson, AR 72079, (870) 543-4667

George Salem, MPT & Specialty Staff Director - Chemistry, ELEM, Room 3140, (301) 796-6111

MPT & Specialty Staff Director – Microbiology, Vacant

Food & Feed Staff Director – Chemistry, Vacant

Michael McLaughlin, Food & Feed Staff Director - Microbiology, ELEM, Room 3130, (301) 796-8158

Timothy McGrath, Food & Feed Staff Director - FERN Labs, ELEM, Room 3142, (301) 796-6591

Food & Feed Staff Director - Private Labs, Vacant

MPT & Specialty Labs Operations

Mark Madson (a), Associate Director, DFC, Room E1748A Lakewood, CO, (303) 236-3060

Deputy Associate Director, Vacant

Duane Satzger, Forensic Chemistry Center, CIN, Room 145 HFR-CE501, (513) 679-2700

Brian Baker, Winchester Engineering Analytical Center, WEAC Room 104, Winchester, MA, (781) 756-9701

Hector Espinet (a), Philadelphia Lab, HFR-SE560, San Juan, PR, (787) 729-8556

Marisol Faberlle, San Juan Lab, SJN HFR-SE560, San Juan, PR, (787) 729-8558

Sheryl Duquet (a), Detroit Lab, DET Room Suite-6700, Detroit, MI, (313) 393-8207

Northeast Medical Products Lab, Vacant

Southeast Tobacco Lab, Vacant

Pacific Southwest Medical Products Lab, Vacant

Food & Feed Labs Operations

Dan Rice (a), Associate Director, Food & Feed Labs Operations, SEA, Room 205, Bothell, WA, (425) 487-5301

Deputy Associate Director, Food & Feed Labs Operations, Vacant

Jennifer Kinney (a), Denver Lab, DEN Room E1748D, Lakewood, CO, (303) 236-3107

Lisa Newberry (a), Pacific Northwest Lab, SEA Room 228, Seattle, WA, (425) 487-5305

Donna Williams-Hill, Pacific Southwest Food & Feed Lab, IRV-1 Room 2367, Irvine, CA, (949) 608-3496

Tom Sidebottom, San Francisco Lab, SAN Room 220, Alameda, CA, (510) 337-6825

Khalil Kerdahi, Southeast Food & Feed Lab, SE RM224 HFR-SE600, Atlanta, GA, (404) 253-1170

John Leazer, Northeast Food & Feed Lab, 158-15 Liberty Ave, Jamaica, NY, (718) 340-7093

Aref El-Demerdash, Kansas City Lab, KS RM203 HFR-SW360, Lenexa, KS, (913) 752-2126

Michael Wichman, Arkansas Lab, NCTR-26 Room A113, Jefferson, AR, (870) 543-4117

Research Coordination & Evaluation

Selen Stromgren, Associate Director, Research Coordination & Evaluation, ELEM, Room 3136, (301) 796-6550

Vacant, Deputy Associate Director, Research Coordination & Evaluation

Business & Safety Operations

Sufian Alkhaldi (a), Associate Director, Business & Safety Operations, ELEM, Room 3124, (301) 796-8512

Lab Work Planning and Metrics

CDR Mivoyel Jean Paul, Staff Director, ELEM, Room 3134, (301) 796-8175

CAPT Michele Markley, Supervisory Industrial Hygienist, ELEM, Room 3129, (301) 796-8178

CDR Kenneth Crombie, Supervisory Industrial Hygienist, ELEM, Room 3148, (240) 402-5346

QMS, Vacant

Office of Resource Management, (ORM)

Glenda Barfell, Associate Director for Management, Rm 2002

Adriana Menchaca-Gendron, Deputy Director, Rm 2006, (301) 796-4354, FAX (301) 827-3771

Michele Berger, Senior Advisor, Rm 2106, (301) 796-4353, FAX (301) 827-4090

Division of Management Operations (DMO)

Joseph Mastrianna, Director, Division of Management Operations, Rm 2106, (240) 402-3181

Amy Anderson, Commissioned Corps Liaison, Rm 2107, (301) 796-4362, FAX (301) 827-2312

LaKeisha McClendon, Supervisor, Management Operations and Analysis Group, Rm 2104, 240-402-0105,

Donald Harrington, Supervisor, Facilities Management Group, Rm 2012, (301) 796-4302

Division of Budget Formulation and Execution (DBFE)

David Caines, (a) Director, Rm 2118, (240) 402-3100, FAX (301) 827-3771

Celia Gabrel, (a) Supervisor, Formulation Group & Financial Serv. Group, Rm 2122, (301) 796-3304, FAX (301) 827-3771

Amy Waltrip, Supervisor, Budget Execution Group, Rm 2120, (301) 796-8811, FAX (301) 827-3771

Michelle Hawley, Supervisor, Contracts & Grants Group, Rm 3029, 240-402-5224

Julie Urian, Supervisor, Travel Group, Rm 3054, (240)-402-5226

Reggie Moore, (a) Supervisor Travel Operations, Rm 2118, (301) 796-2929, FAX (301) 827 3771

Office of Training, Education and Development (OTED), - 11919 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852 (MM2)

Patricia L. Alcock, Director, Office Director, Office of Training, Education and Development, MM2, Rm 307 (301) 796-4299, FAX (301)


Erin Bucher, Special Assistant to Office Director, MM2, Rm 308, (301) 796-4541, FAX (301) 827-8708

Loney Nunemaker, Deputy Office Director, MM2 Rm 405, (240) 402-4991, FAX (301) 827-4179

Lee Vogtman, Special Assistant to Deputy Office Director, MM2, Room 409, (309) 796-5021, FAX (301) 827-8708

Thomas Hughes, Deputy Office Director, MM2 Rm 309, (301) 348-1741, FAX (301) 827-8708

Shanell Owens, Staff Director, Administrative, Logistics & Finance Staff, MM2 Rm 440, (301) 796-1729, FAX (301) 827-4179

Vacant, Staff Director, Registrar Staff, MM

Division of Programmatic Training (DPT)

Vacant, Division Director, Division of Programmatic Training, MM2

Vacant, Branch Manager, Cooperative Food Programs Training Branch, MM2

James Fear, Branch Manager, Integrated Food Safety System Training Branch, MM2 Rm 423, (301) 796-4513, FAX (301) 827-4179

Audrey Vigil, Branch Manager, Manufactured Food Training Branch, MM2 Rm 404, (301) 796-8155, FAX (301) 827-4179

Vacant, Branch Manager, Medical Products and Tobacco Training Branch, MM2

Division of Multi-Program, Leadership and Management Training (DMPLMT)

Vacant, Division Director, Division of Multi-Program, Leadership and Management Training, MM2

Brooke Mullican, Branch Manager, Leadership, Management & Administrative Training Branch, MM2 Rm 406, (301) 796-4992 FAX

(301) 827-4179

Vacant, Branch Manager, Multi-Program Training Branch, MM2

Division of Instructional Systems and Technology (DIST)Vacant, Division Director, Division of Instructional Systems and

Technology, MM2

Vacant, Branch Manager, Instructional Systems and Multimedia Branch 1, MM2

Vacant, Branch Manager, Instructional Systems and Multimedia Branch 2, MM2

Division of Testing, Measurement and Certification (DTMC)

Vacant, Division Director, Division of Testing, Measurement and Certification, MM2

Vacant, Branch Manager, Test and Measurement Branch, MM2, Vacant

William Farmer, Branch Manager, Certification Branch MM2 Rm 424, (240) 402-9866, FAX (301) 827-4179

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