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Permanent Mission of the Union of the Comoros

Tel:(212) 750-***

E-mail: comoros**[ta]**int



Permanent Mission of the Republic

Tel:(212) 744-7840, -***

Fax: (212) 744-***

E-mail: congo**[ta]**int

E-mail: cgbrazzadel60**[ta]**il.com


Permanent Mission of Costa Rica

Tel:(212) 986-***

Fax: (212) 986-***

E-mail: contact**[ta]**sioncrun.org


Permanent Mission of Côte d’Ivoire

Tel:(646) 649-***

Fax: (646) 781-***

E-mail: cotedivoiremission**[ta]**oo.com


Permanent Mission of the Republic

Tel:(212) 986-***

Fax: (212) 986-***

E-mail: cromiss.un**[ta]**p.hr


Permanent Mission of Cuba to the United Nations

Tel:(212) 689-7215, -7216, -***

Fax: (212) 779-1697, (212) 689-***

E-mail: cuba_onu**[ta]**anmission.com



Permanent Mission of the Republic

Tel:(212) 481-6023, -***

Fax: (212) 685-***

E-mail: mission**[ta]**rusun.org



Permanent Mission of the Czech Republic

Tel:(646) 981-***

Fax: (646) 981-***

E-mail: un.newyork**[ta]**assy.mzv.cz



Permanent Mission of the Democratic People’s

Tel:(212) 972-3105, -***

Fax: (212) 972-***

E-mail: Dprk.un**[ta]**izon.net


Permanent Mission of the Democratic Republic

Tel:(212) 319-***

Fax: (212) 319-***

E-mail: missiondrc**[ta]**il.com



Permanent Mission of Denmark to the United Nations

Tel:(212) 308-***

Fax: None (email on***

E-mail: nycmis**[ta]**dk



Permanent Mission of the Republic

Tel:(212) 753-***

Fax: (212) 223-1276, (212) 758-***

E-mail: djibouti**[ta]**t.net



Permanent Mission of the Commonwealth

Tel:(212) 949-***

Fax: (212) 808-4975, 661-***

E-mail: domun**[ta]**commonwealth.org;



Permanent Mission of the Dominican Republic

Tel:(212) 867-0833, -0834, 661-***

Fax: (212) 986-***

E-mail: drun**[ta]**int


Permanent Mission of Ecuador to the United Nations

Tel:(212) 935-1680, -***

Fax: (212) 935-***

E-mail: ecuador**[ta]**int



Permanent Mission of the Arab Republic

Tel:(212) 503-***

Fax: (212) 949-***

E-mail: egypt**[ta]**int


Permanent Mission of El Salvador

Tel:(813) 402-***

Fax: (212) 725-***

E-mail: elsalvador**[ta]**int


Permanent Mission of Equatorial Guinea

Tel:(212) 223-***

Fax: (212) 223-***

E-mail: equatorialguineamission**[ta]**oo.com


Permanent Mission of Eritrea

Tel:(212) 687-***

Fax: (212) 687-***

E-mail: general**[ta]**trea-unmission.org



Permanent Mission of the Republic

Tel:(212) 883-***

Fax: (646) 514-***

E-mail: mission.newyork**[ta]**.ee


Permanent Mission of the Federal Democratic

Tel:(212) 421-***

Fax: (646) 756-***

E-mail: ethiopia**[ta]**int


Permanent Mission of the Republic of Fiji

Tel:(212) 687-***

Fax: (212) 687-***

E-mail: mission**[ta]**iprun.org


Permanent Mission of Finland to the United Nations

Tel:(212) 355-***

Fax: (212) 759-***

E-mail: sanomat.yke**[ta]**min.fi

Website: http://www.**nlandun.org

Social Media: Twitter: **[ta]**landUN


Permanent Mission of France to the United Nations

Tel:(212) 702-***

Fax: (212) 702-***

E-mail: france**[ta]**nceonu.org


Permanent Mission of the Gabonese Republic

Tel:(212) 686-9720; -9721; -***

Fax: (917) 675-***

E-mail: info**[ta]**onunmission.com


Permanent Mission of the Republic of the Gambia to the

Tel:(212) 949-***

Fax: (212) 856-***

E-mail: gambia_un**[ta]**mail.com


Permanent Mission of Georgia

Tel:(212) 759-***

Fax: (212) 759-***

e-mail geomission.un**[ta]**.gov.ge



Permanent Mission of Germany

Tel:(212) 940-***

Fax: (212) 940-0402 (General)

E-mail: info**[ta]**-york-un.diplo.de


Permanent Mission of Ghana to the United Nations

Tel:(212) 832-***

Fax: (212) 751-***

E-mail: ghanaperm**[ta]**.com


Permanent Mission of Greece to the United Nations

Tel:(212) 888-***

Fax: (212) 888-***

E-mail: grdel.un**[ta]**.gr



Permanent Mission of Grenada to the United Nations

Tel:(212) 599-0301, -***

Fax: (212) 599-***

E-mail: grenada**[ta]**int


Permanent Mission of Guatemala

Tel:(212) 679-***

Fax: (212) 685-***

E-mail: onunewyork**[ta]**ex.gob.gt


Social media Twitter: **[ta]**temalaONU


Permanent Mission of the Republic

Tel:(212) 687-***

Fax: (212) 687-***

E-mail: missionofguinea**[ta]**.com


Permanent Mission of the Republic

Tel:(212) 896-***

Fax: (212) 896-***

E-mail: guinea-bissau**[ta]**int

E-mail: guinebissauonu**[ta]**il.com


Permanent Mission of the Republic

Tel:(212) 573-5828, -***

Fax: (212) 573-***

E-mail: guyana**[ta]**int


Permanent Mission of Haiti to the United Nations

Tel:(212) 370-***

Fax: (212) 661-***

E-mail: mphonu.newyork**[ta]**lomatie.ht


Permanent Mission of Honduras to the United Nations

Tel:(212) 752-3370, -***

Fax: (212) 223-***

E-mail: Ny.honduras**[ta]**n.org



Permanent Mission of Hungary

Tel:(212) 752-***

Fax: (212) 755-***

E-mail: Hungaryun.ny**[ta]**.gov.hu


Permanent Mission of Iceland to the United Nations

Tel:(212) 593-2700, (646) 282-***

Fax: None (email on***

E-mail: unmission**[ta]**.is


Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations

Tel:(212) 490-9660, -***

Fax: (212) 490-***

E-mail: india**[ta]**int



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