Aircraft engines
MTU Aero Engines
Polska Sp. z o.o.
Tajęcina 108,36-002 Jasionka
+48 (17) 771 0***
+48 (17) 771 0***
+48 (17) 771 0***
sales contact
profileproduction of inlet guide vanes and rotator blades and for low-pres-sure turbines to aircraft engines,technical maintenance services,
installation of low-pressure turbine modules for aircraft engines,ma-chine tooling of rotating parts of low-pressure turbines
MTU Aero Engines Poland Sp. z o. o. located in Jasionka near
Rzeszów is the youngest branch of MTU Aero Engines GmbH – oneof the world’s largest producers of power units for aircraft engines.
The production company is divided into four areas: production of inlet guide vanes and rotator blades and for low-pressure turbines for
aircraft engines,technical maintenance service,installation of low-pressure turbine modules for aircraft engines,machine tooling of ro-tating parts of low-pressure turbines. The company has a Research
and Development Department.
Zakład Kuźnia
Matrycowa Sp. z o.o.
+48 (15) 813 5***
+48 (15) 813 6***
sales contact
profilestructural components for aircraft,jet engine par ts
The company provides raw,reliable,high quality forgings for a wide
range of industries that meet the requirements for use underground,
on land,at sea and in the air. ZKM has modern forging equipment,
production lines of hammers and presses,thus it can meet the de-mand for reliable and timely delivery of forgings for both custom-made and mass production. Extensive knowledge of input materials
and forging processes used in the production of aircraft construction
components is a part of ZKM philosophy. It also holds AS9100:2***
ISO 9001:2000 and ISO/TS 16494:2002 certificates. With the pre-sent quality systems and AS9100:2004,ZKM is ready to begin co-operation in delivery of parts meeting the OEM’s standards for a jet
engine. The company is located in the
ul. COP-u 5,39-300 Mielec
+48 (17) 773 7***
+48 (17) 773 7***
sales contact
profileInstrumentation design and production,parts for the aeronautics in-dustry,components for fuel systems for aircraft engines
The company’s activity is based on designing and manufacturing
various types of instrumentation: punches,dies,wax moulds,aero-nautics instruments,measuring devices,aircrafts parts,injections
and pressure forms. It produces components for fuel systems for
aircraft engines.
Norbert Polskasp. z o.o.
ul. Przemysłowa 9 B,35-105 Rzeszów
+48 (17) 747 6***
+48 (17) 747 6***
sales contact
profileparts for aircraft engines,metal machining
Producer of parts for aircraft engines. For the aeronautics industry it
produces parts for generators and compressors,nuts,levers,bear-ings and rings. In addition,the offer contains processing of metals
inconel,alloy steel,aluminium,titanium,and parts covered with sil-ver and other alloys.
Aircraft engines
Contractorsof repairs
and trainings
Lotnicze Zakłady
Produkcyjno--Naprawcze Aero-Krossp. z o.o.
ul. Lotników 20,38-400 Krosno
+48 (13) 436 7***
+48 (13) 436 7***
sales contact
profilelicensed activities (production and marketing of products and tech-nologies for the army or police - aircraft,engines),supplies and
spare parts for aircraft equipment,sound-absorbing panels,the pro-duction of prefabricated metals,workshop of aviation equipment,air-craft assembly,painting services,technical maintenance,inspection
and repairs of aviation equipment,production and service of ULM
In 2006,they started implementing a program of an airplane of their
own construction,while initiating efforts to obtain qualification cer-tificates for the product and a certificate for a plant in the design,
manufacture and operation of ultra-light airplanes.
Fly Polska
Biuro Zarządu – ul. Lotniskowa 14,39-300 Mielec
+48 (17) 788 7***
+48 (17) 788 6***
sales contact
profileflight trainings,management of continuing airworthiness,technical
maintenance of general aviation aircrafts
Fly Polska offers the following services: theoretical and practical
flight training,management of continuing airworthiness and techni-cal maintenance of general aviation. It has 7 aircrafts at its disposal,
operating on a regular basis from two airports in Rzeszów and Mielec
and a well-equipped technical base,located at the airport in Mielec.
All services are offered on the basis of certificates obtained by the
company,which constitute evidence of fulfilling the requirements of national and European aviation authorities. Fly Poland Maintenance
Organisation also offers maintenance services,including the perfor-mance of periodical work,the implementation of airworthiness direc-tives and service bulletins,and weighing and determination of gravity
centres of aircrafts.
Ankol Sp. z o.o.
Chorzelów 244,39-331 Chorzelów
+48 (17) 584 0***
+48 (17) 584 0***
sales contact
profilespare parts and repair services for aircraft and helicopters
Ankol is a leader in the supply of goods of strategic importance for
military and civil aviation (import / export). It is authorised to partici-pate in tenders of NATO states group and to participate in tenders
and supplies for example for the US Department of Defence. Ankol
provides spare parts and repair services for aircraft and helicop-ters,both civil and military engines,transmissions for helicopters,
ground handling equipment,aluminium and chemical materials,con-sumables,such as: oils,greases,hydraulic fluids,etc. It carries out
orders from Departments of Defence from different countries from
South America and the Far East. It represents Kamatics Corporation
for Eastern Europe in the supply of maintenance-free bearings and
shafts for the aeronautics industry. In addition,it offers bearings for
hydraulic equipment.
4-Air Airlinessp. z o.o.
Port Lotniczy Rzeszów,36-002 Jasionka
+48 (17) 771 2***
+48 (17) 771 2***of fice**[ta]**
sales contactof fice**[ta]**
profileimport of single-engine aircraft,ferrying of airplanes,repairs and
renovations of aviation equipment,flight training,charter flights,sce-nic and tourist flights
The company is engaged in the sale of aircrafts and aviation equip-ment of Polish production. In addition it offers: import of Cessna
single-engine aircraft from the USA and Canada,ferrying of air-planes,repairs and renovations of aviation equipment,flight training,
charter flights,sightseeing and tourist flights,filming from the air
with a gyroscopic-mounted camera,assistance and advice on the
broadly-understood aviation activities.
and repairs
Wojskowe Zakłady
Lotnicze Nr 1 S.A.
Oddział w Dęblinie
ul. Lotników Polskich 4,08-521 Dęblin
+48 (81) 883 0***
+48 (81) 883 0***
+48 (81) 883 0***
+48 (81) 883 0***
sales contact
profilemajor repairs and periodic maintenance of aircraft,helicopters,
equipment and engine repairs
The company offers: major repairs and periodic maintenance of air-craft,aircraft engines major repairs,equipment and engine repairs of airplanes and helicopters,development and implementation of pro-grams of aircraft modernization,repairs of WUS-3 main deactivation
devices,modernisation and repairs of UPG-300 and UMP-350 equip-ment; painting and galvanic anticorrosion coating of parts,equip-ment and components,production of rubber components - seals,
profiles,pressure pipes,etc.,production of assembly elements and
spare parts for refurbished products,production of parts and com-ponents according to customer specification.
TÜV Nord Polskasp. z o.o. Centrum
Szkoleń Lotniczych
ul. Słowackiego 24,pok. 53,35-060 Rzeszów
+48 (17) 853 4***
+48 (17) 853 4***
sales contact
profileQuality Management Systems Certification,trainings
Since the beginning of 2006,TÜV Nord Poland has offered courses /
trainings in aviation topics (industry,airports,carriers and other avia-tion organizations.) Lecturers are experienced practitioners from TÜV
Nord Gruppe and active employees of aeronautics industry compa-nies and aviation organisations,supported by technical university
academics. TÜV Nord Poland cooperates actively with all aviation
industry players; it has particularly close contacts with authorities,
airlines,manufacturers,operating organizations,logistics compa-nies,airports managers and others,which enables us to offer diverse
and long-term solutions.