Change by. Exchange. german Academic
exchange Servicethe
dAAd isan organisation ofthe institutions of higher education and. student bodiesinthe Federal Republic of Germany, foundedin 1925, refoundedin ***
an institution forthe promotion of international. academic exchange
an intermediary forthe implementation of foreign cultural. policy, national academic policy and forthe educational. cooperation with developing countries
National Agency forthe EU ERASMUS programme, information. centre for ERASMUS Mundus, Europass, TEMPUS / cooperation. between EU and non-EU countries and
ASEM education secretariat
the IAESTE National Committee forthe exchange of student trainees
the office of GATE-Germany (the German Universities’. Consortium for International Marketing)
thedAAd provides information worldwide on
the higher education system and opportunities for academic
scientific researchinthe Federal Republic of Germany
higher education and degree courses abroad
funding programmes and scholarships (e. g. in publicationsand on the
the dAAd sponsors undergraduates, graduates and doctoral students interns artists
scientists and academics. from
dAAd funds short and long-term individual scholarships
Programme to enhance mobility (PROMOS)
the exchange of academics, guest lectureships, andthe placement of Lektors at universities abroad
project-linked academic cooperation between institutions. of higher educationin
internationalisation programmes of German universities
Germany-related degree programmes, centres and. universities abroad
scholarships, cooperation projects and events with developingand emergent countries. the
dAAd selects. Fromthe vast number of applications, about 600 academics, actingin an honorary capacity as members ofthe about 90 DAAD selection.committees, selectthe best candidates and projects for scholarshipsand funding according to academic criteria
Previous achievementsin studies and research must be of ahigh. academic standardin order to be eligible for funding
Federal government. länder as Authorities. responsible for. High
ed. insts. Academic.organisations. 92 Selection.committees. 14 Regional Offices. 50 ICs. general Assembly.***
member institutions 125 Student Bodies. executive
committee. President. Prof. Dr
Margret Wintermantel. fro***
Vice-President. Prof. Dr. Max G. Huber. 12 elected university representatives, including. 3 student representatives. Head
office Board of trustees. Secretary
general. Dr. Dorothea RülandFigures ***
total:376mio. eur. others. european
BmZ. BmBFthe budgetthe DAAD operates mainly onthe basis of public funding. provided by different ministries, principally bythe Federal. Foreign Office (AA)
the AA primarily funds foreign scholarship holders as well. as German teaching staffin particular Lektors
the BmBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) supports. German undergraduates and postgraduates studying abroad,the bilateral exchange of scientists andthe internationalisation of German institutions of higher education
the BmZ (Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and.development) provides funds forthe support of educational. cooperationin developing countries
eufundsare used to runthe European mobility programmes
the 16german länder coverthe considerable costs of university. places for foreign scholarship holders
Other parties/sponsors include foreign governments, enterprises,foundations andthe Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft. Transnational. studying. researching. lecturing3
internationalising theuniversities. Promotingthe international. dimension and appeal of
german universities for. foreigners
University partnerships,international educational. partnerships
Bilateral exchange of academics, project-related. personell exchange. programme (PPP), funding. for foreign visiting professors
Creation of attractive offers. for study and doctoral projects. of international studies:double degree programmes,internationalisation of doctoral training
Offer of funding for scholarships given by German universities for short-term study. visits abroad (PROMOS. programme)
Improvement of conditions for. foreign students including(follow-up) counselling and. final year scholarships, training for staff from international. offices and other multipliers,lobbying
Information and advertising. for study and research inGermany, marketing, GATE. Germany, university projects. abroad, anetwork of study. advisors, advice on aspects of foreign cultural and educational policy
TestAS: Academic aptitude test. for foreign students
Specialist and regional special. programmes. 4
Promotinggeand thegerman l. Strengthening
gand thegerman. foreign universIndividual scho. eign and Germ. German Studie
Language pr. DAAD long-t. holders
Scholarships f. of German scJacob and W. prize
Placement o.demics at fInterdiscipli. German and E. abroad
German-instru. programmes. Goals and roles ofthe DAAD. Five fields of action. Figures
Scholarships. for foreigners
meur. 1Scholarships for foreigners to promote up and coming. young foreign elites at german. higher education institutionsand research institutes
General individual scholarships for foreign students,student trainees and interns,(post)graduates, researchers,artists and administrators
Support and placement. programmes for student. trainees and interns
Short-term programmes for. information and study visits
Language and specialist courses
Alumni networkserman Studies. languag abroad. erman Studies. language at. ties. olarships for forman specialists ines. eparation for. term scholarship. or school leavers. chools abroad. ilhelm Grimm. of German acaoreign universities. nary centres for. uropean Studies. ucted study. s abroad
Institutional partnerships inthe field of German Studies
Master’s degree programmesin German as aforeign language
Support for international. subject-related associations
Information, publication, eventand special programmes. 5
educational cooperation with.developing countries. Promoting academic, scientific,economic and democratic.developmentin developing and. emergent countries
Funding of postgraduate degree. programmes of relevance to developing countries
University partner programmes
Academic and alumni networksin developing countries
Scholarships and lectureships to support staff development. within academic structures(short- and long-term lectureships/professorships)
Scholarship programmes. for administratorsin specific. countries
Cooperation programmes for. university management (DIES)
Development and support for. specialist centres for development cooperation. larships. rmans. nding:meur. 3
internationalisingthe universities. Funding:79
meur. 5
educational. cooperation. with developing. countries. Funding:78
meur. 2
Scholarships for
germans. Promoting
german future. leadersin their studies and. research abroad - including. erASmuS
General individual scholarships for German students,student trainees and interns,(post)graduates, academics,artists and administrators
EU mobility programmes
Support and placement. programmes for student. trainees and interns
Conference and lecture series. programme for academics
Supportingthe process of regaining German academics. from abroadDAAD funding for. foreigners and G. Figures ***
A StudentS
And grAduAteS. 1
One-year and one-semester scholarships. 1 General one-year scholarships (selected bythe DAAD)
2 One-year scholarships “sur-place” andin “third countries”. 1
3 Foreign government scholarships administrated bythe DAAD. 1
4 Other regional and subject-specific one-year scholarships. 1
5 One-semester scholarships. 2
Short-term scholarships. 3
PROMOS-Programme to enhance mobility. 4
Specialist and language courses. 5
Student traineeships/internships/work placements. 6
Group programmes. 7
International study and exchange programmes (ISAP)
Other partnership and university programmes. 9
Scholarship and guidance-counselling programmes (STIBET)0
Other funding programmes. B AcAdemicS,
AdminiStrAtorS. 1
Lektors. 2
Postdoc programmes. 3
Long-term lectureships, visiting lectureships, professorships. 4
Short-term lectureships. 5
Bilateral exchange of academics and scientists. 6
Exchange involving projects (PPP) and networks (IQN)
Other partnership and university programmes. 8
Research and study visits, follow-up visits (reinvitation programmes)
Artists-in-Berlin Programme***
Information visits, continuing training***
Other funding programmes. totAl (A+B)
Students, graduates, academics, scientists, artists, administrators. eu
grAntS. 1
ERASMUS Mobility. 2
ERASMUS Placements. 3
ERASMUS Teaching staff mobility/staff training. totAl. eumobility grants. Foreigermans. gners funded germans funded Funding recipients fromgermany and abroad
total funded newin 2010Yaoundé. Islamabad. Johannesburg. Mexiko City. New York. San José Caracas. Buenos Aires. Santiago.de Chile. Paris. Accra. Nairobi. Cairo. Istanbul. Ankara. Warsaw. Bucharest. Moscow Novosibirsk. Tokyo. Seoul. Taipei. Ho Chi Minh City. Bangkok. Singapore. Hong Kong. New Delhi. Mumbai. Chennai. Hanoi. Kuala Lumpur. Jakarta. Sydney. St. Petersburg. Prag. Rio de Janeiro. São Paulo. Beijing. Havana. Toronto. Athens. Minsk. Riga. Barcelona. Brussels. Rome. Kiev. East Jerusalem. Damascus Teheran. Abu Dhabi. Tashkent. Tbilisi. Baku. Yerevan. Bishkek. Dushanbe. Almaty. Shanghai. Guangzhou. Bogotá. London. San Francisco. Budapest. 14 Regional Offices. 50 Information Centres (IC)
Brussels Office. BelgradeContact details
dAAd addresses ingermany and abroad. Headoffice Bonn-Bad
godesberg. Kennedyalle***
53175 Bonn, Germany. Postfach 20 0***
53134 Bonn, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 228 ***
Fax: +49 (0) 228 882***
Berlin office
Markgrafenstraße 370117 Berlin, Germany
Postfach 240.10106 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 30 20 22***
Fax: +49 (0) 30 20 41***
mexico city
new delhoffice.info**[ta]**ddelhi.org
new york
rio de Janeiro
information on the
dAAd Alumni. clubs:
http://www.**ad.de/alumnFor details onthe websites of thedAAd regional
offices and of its. 50 information
centres (ics) please.go to: